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I am a sucker for a tag, so when I came across this one on Chloe's blog, RealityLeavesLotsToImagination, I just couldn't leave it. It's a long one so here we go!
1. What are you wearing?
Disco pants, baggy t-shirt, a massive knit cardigan and slipper: keeping it casual.
2. Ever been in love?
No, I haven't.
3. Ever had a terrible breakup?
4. How tall are you?
About 5ft 3. I know, tiny.
5. How much do you weigh?
I never weigh myself as whenever I do I get really self conscious and it's really not worth it. It's the days you spend happy you should be counting, not pounds.
6. Any tattoos?
I don't have any tattoos but I've always thought they are super cool.
7. Any piercings?
I have ears pierced, but that's enough for me!
8. OTP?
I don't really have an otp. I don't think it's fair to pressure people into a relationship, if its meant to be, it'll happen. Saying that, Troyler. I love those guys.
9. Favourite Show?
Gosh, there's so many to choose from. Recently, it's been Bad Education. So funny, Jack Whitehall is literally the best. I also love New Girl, well pretty much ever American sitcom.
10. Favourite Bands?
Again, this is hard as there are so many I love. Probably Busted, ten years and I still don't have their CD. The shame. I do love bands like Bastille and Kodaline too.
11. Something you miss?
The summer. Long days doing nothing all day, it seems like a beautiful dream right now.
12. Favourite song?
I seriously can't choose. Far too many that I love. It's an impossible decision.
13. How old are you?
14. Zodiac Sign?
15. Quality you look for in a partner?
Good sense of humour, I love a good laugh.
16. Favourite quote?
'A day without laughter is a day wasted'- Charlie Chaplin
17. Favourite Actor?
Douglas Booth. He's Romeo in the new remake of Romeo and Juliet.
18. Favourite colour?
19. Loud music or soft?
I like a bit of both. It kind of depends on my mood. Right now, a soft acoustic track sounds good and relaxing before bed.
20. Where do you go when you're sad?
To bed. Sleep it off, it'll be better in the morning.
21. How long does it take you to shower?
I know this sounds bad but 45 minutes to an hour. I'm terrible, I like to think it the shower. And sing. Love a good old sing in the shower.
22. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
I only have about half an hour to get ready in the morning and, without fail, I looked like a mess every morning.
23. Ever been in a physical fight?
No. I'd probably be the worst in a fight. I have no muscles.
24. Turn on?
Good dress sense
25. Turn off?
26. The reason I joined Youtube (or in this case blogging?)
I find that I don't really get listened to when I talk so I wanted to be able to share my views and opinions with people who actually wanted to listen. Here, I can write down all my thoughts and start conversations in the comments about things that interest me and the person I'm talking to and I really love it.
27. Fears?
Haha, how long you got? I have a fear if most things, from dogs to fire. I've been thinking about creating a series about me attempting to get over as many of these fears as possible but I'm still not sure.
28. Last thing that made you cry?
I don't think it's technically crying, but my this week my hair has been really getting into my eyes and making them water. Seriously, tears running down my face, it's so embarrassing. Really need a hair cut.
29. Last time you said you loved someone?
Wow, genuinely have no idea. How bad is that?!
30. Meaning behind your youtube (blogger) name?
There's not really any meaning behind it. RazMaTaz was a nickname I had for a short while in year 8 I think. My name is Tasmin and I tap dance so it was kind of fitting really. My blogger name used to be 96RazMaTaz as that was the year I was born in and all my social media had the same name. But, I decided I didn't really like numbers in a we'd address so added -Girl to the end instead.
31. Last book you read?
A revision guide for my GCSE's. so glad they're over.
32. The book you're currently reading?
I don't really read. I find it hard to get into a book or find one I like so I've just given up with books.
33. Last show you watched?
Celebrity Juice. Oosh!
34. Last person you talked to?
My Mum. Aww
35. The relationship between you and the person you last texted?
My Mum, again. I do have friends, honest!
36. Favourite food?
Chocolate. I'm a little bit of a chocoholic.
37. Place you want to visit?
New York. Such a beautiful city.
38. Last place you were?
My house. I don't really get out much on the weekends as I have far too much homework to catch up on.
39. Do you have a crush?
A celebrity crush? Yes! Who? Secrets.
40. Last time you kissed someone?
Again, I have terrible memory.
41. Last time you were insulted?
I get insulted all the time by everyone but it's always meant as a joke, I hope.
42. Favourite flavour of sweet?
Lime. Particularly lime starburst. Yum.
43. What instruments do you play?
I used to be able to play the recorder (like every cool kid!) and a little bit of the keyboard. I wasn't really that god at either.
44. Favourite piece of jewellery?
I love my silver necklace that is personalised with my name on it. It's just unique and personal to me.
45. Last sport you played?
I haven't played a sport since high school and then we rarely did any sports, more walking and kettle bells. I dance, is that a sport? I don't think so but same difference I suppose.
46. Last song you sang?
Just let me check my iPod. I always listen to my iPod when doing homework which usually ends up being a little singing session. The last song that I sang fully was Obviously by McFly, one of my favourites.
47. Favourite chat up line?
Chat up lines? I don't really have any favourite but I think they are funny in a bad way.
48. Have you ever used it?
People actually use chat up lines! Do they even work? I don't but I don't think anyone does in a serious way, do they?
49. Last time you hung out with anyone?
With a group of friends at school in my free lesson as I don't have a social life! Boo!
50. Who should answer these questions next?
I hope you enjoy tags as I realise I do quite a few. Sorry if you're not their biggest fan. I'll try and get a review done for next week.
Tasmin x