If you haven't read part 1 yet, you probably have no idea what's going on. Read it first then pop back to read some more.
This is where the trip started to go a little down hill for me here. I woke in the middle of the night to discover my lip had swelled to about twice the size. I began freaking out a little at this point as I had no idea why this happened. I still don't. I thought that getting some sleep may help but I woke up with the same issue and realised I would have to face everyone with my fat lip. I was in complete panic, especially since there was nothing I could do to reduce the swelling, but the teachers promised that it wasn't that noticeable. One even said that people would pay for lips like that, although to me it looked more like a dodgy lip filler. It was all very sweet of them and no-one else seemed to notice.
My friend stealing my mirror and being caught red-handed! |
On day 3, one of my fellow sixth formers fell ill so we swapped groups as my group were having a less active day compared to their group. I'm going to be honest here, I felt like such a traitor leaving my group like that without any warning (one of the year 7's told me, "Yeah, you should!") but the other group was very nice too. We headed to Shell Beach for the morning and then my friend and I were put in charge to walk to Belvoir Bay for lunch. We all had ice-creams too, I had a vanilla Guernsey ice-cream cone which was delicious. Then we headed back, to the campsite for a blind-folded trail set up by the sixth form boys. There was an odd number in our group so I volunteered to direct one of the year 7's around the course. I am terrible with directions and the course was very long and difficult, but she did really well and we achieved a time of around 8 minutes which is really good. So proud of us.
Looking at Guernsey from Herm. Being able to see home and yet still be so far away from it was just cruel. |
Evening rolled on very quickly and it was the annual talent show. All the groups entered as well as some individual acts and the teachers did the YMCA. I helped out with the two groups I was with that week and everyone did really well. I wouldn't of been able to stand in front of my whole year like that and sing or dance, they are all far braver than me. They are all so talented too and I for one am very jealous. I laughed so much too, a great way to end the trip.
As with the previous post, all photos were taken on day 1 as I forgot to bring my camera out for the rest of the trip. Bad blogger. |
The next day was leaving day. It was also day two of the fat lip situation. It had reduced in size during the day before so was rather confused as to why it swelled yet again. However, it did settle down again throughout the morning. A far less active day, we packed away all the tents, helping out on the girls side of the field making sure everything was packed away properly and no litter was left behind, and then we headed down for our 12:30 boat. We sat on the roof of the boat on the way back, admiring the view of Guernsey and daydreaming of home whilst soaking up the last of the glorious sunshine that we were blessed with for most of the trip.
The islands goats. Obsessed. |
Friday was the last day of school and my final day helping out with the year 7's (I'm aware that this is no longer anything to do with camp but I feel I need to finish off the trip). But, being typical me, I over slept and ended up being 15 minutes late. When I arrived, they were no longer in our meeting place so I spent a further 15 minutes trying to find everyone. Who knew that finding a year group of around 90 in school was an extremely difficult task? In the end, a teacher found me and sent me down to the field to help out with the rounders match. This time I didn't have to take part and instead had a chat with with all the students who were 'batted out'. Still not used to the sporting lingo. We then headed inside for awards i.e best dressed, happiest camper, etc voted by the staff and us sixth formers and then watched a slide show of all the pictures from our trip. Most of the ones I'm in are pretty embarrassing. You know the usual sun-in-eyes squint and the caught-of-guard weird face but there were a lot of nice and very funny ones of everyone and it reminded me of our great trip. The whole presentation ended with the teachers receiving gift (wine!) and then the staff giving us sixth formers gifts too. The boys were given toy guns (as, and I quote, they are 'all big kids at heart') and my friend and I were given bubble bath. It smells amazing and I can't wait to use it. I really didn't expect it and I am very thankful for them letting me go.
Coconut Macaroon bubble bath smells absolutely delicious. |
I had an amazing time. My doubts and worries I had on the first day were pointless and I really enjoyed myself and hope that everyone else did too. I realised I have more confidence than I originally thought and that talking to strangers isn't always the most terrifying thing in the world. I can lead a team and not everyone hates me, in fact I think my group actually liked me. It was a great trip and I am really thankful to everyone that made it happen and let me tag along with them.
My Converses at Shell Beach. |
I think I may be going slightly cheesy again. Quit while you're ahead Tas!
Tasmin x
P.s I also learned that burning your scalp is very painful, always wear a sun hat.
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